Friday, May 7, 2010

Regressive Libservatism

I never thought I'd find myself writing this post.

I'm sitting in front of BBC news as it announces that Clegg and Cameron, after having already spoken on the phone, will continue talks this evening on the possibility of some kind of collaborative deal to form a functioning government.

I was among the many thousands of voters who were attracted to the Liberal Democrats as the new 'progressives', offering policies on immigration, defense and Europe that seemed far to the left of Labour. In the end I opted for Labour as I was concerned that the main party of the left should maintain a strong second place. But I engaged in endless debates with my friends and family about whether to cast a vote for the Lib Dems to support their seemingly progressive agenda. Many of those friends and family ended up opting for the Lib Dems, many of them with the objective to 'keep the Tories out'.